encouragement content added as I navigate through life

a breeze of comfort
          for you -          
emotionally overwhelmed quotes and tips   


while serving others can bring you fulfillment,  remember to serve yourself too- it will bring you comfort

  • overwhelmed, but not defeated.- continue on
  • if you can't people today - try tomorrow
  • some people may say, fake it until you make it - please don't, but believe you'll  make it
  • don't allow the busyness of others to become your distraction

every once in awhile - relax, reflect and recharge- you deserve it

try not to be 
overwhelmed because people keep judging you -

they may be judging you because they haven't sit still in a quiet place long enough - because if they do, they might began to judge themselves...

  • in a hurry - ask yourself why
  • have a plan for your life - because if you don't someone else will have one for you
  • avoid impulse buying - try delayed gratification   sometimes - you may be surprised...

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God Philippians 4:6

when your feeling emotionally overwhelmed, try pausing and ask yourself, why I'm I feeling this way, get to the core of what's causing the stress, anxiety, grief and pain you're experiencing. 

 Reach out to the people who care about you...family, friends, and/or support groups

soOverwhelmed and The Pebble breeze website is for encouragement only, not for any professional advice. Here are a few support groups you can reach out to assist you with professional services

stress, anxiety - https://adaa.org

cancer - https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/our-programs

mental health - https://www.mentalhealth.gov/get-help/immediate-help

Sexual Assault - The National Sexual Assault Hotline, call 800.656.HOPE (4673) to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area. https://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline

Grief - The National Bereavement Service, https://thenbs.org

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